
Attract More Instagram Followers, Creatively

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks out there today. Every personal or business profile tries to increase its reach, build its brand, and attract more engagement from its audience.

The number one priority for almost anyone using the platform is increasing their follower base. It may seem like an uphill task, but using unconventional means to attract new followers can be a creative outlet.

Traditional methods of posting high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, and engaging with your audience are essential. Here are some unique approaches you can consider.

Creative Ways To Get More Followers

Use Instagram Live: Start by promoting your live broadcast date and topic of discussion in advance. Post teasers of the event and showcase any product or news you will discuss or announce beforehand. Build the hype, and if you invite a guest, have them cross-promote the event on their profile. It’s great for increasing engagement and attracting new followers.

Giveaways and Contests: People like free things. Giveaways have always worked to build engagement and brand awareness and help you reach a wider audience. During the contest:

  • Ask participants to follow your account
  • ‘Like’ a post
  • Tag their friends
  • Use a unique hashtag to enter

Select at random and announce the winner.

Encourage User-Generated Content: Your current follower base is there because they decided to connect with your brand. A great way to build even more loyalty is to ask some of them to create content related to your products or services. Feature their content on your profile, strengthening your community and attracting followers to your account.

Collaborate with Micro-Influencers: Large influencers are great if you have a large budget. If you don’t, consider collaborating with micro-influencers with a minor but highly engaged following. They often have a more authentic connection with their audience and can drive a decent amount of interest. Plus, you will have built a personal rapport with someone who will remember you should they get famous.

Instagram Takeovers: Allow influencers to take over your Instagram account for a day or during a special event. Not only will all their followers shift their focus to your profile for the duration, but your brand will resonate with everyone else who may see it because of its buzz.

Use Trending Memes and Challenges: Trends can happen in the blink of an eye. Have your team or yourself track what is new, viral, and being shared. Incorporate these memes or challenges into your content when relevant to leverage their popularity.

How It’s Made/Works: Curiosity always needs an open door to venture through. Sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, whether it’s the manufacturing process, a day in an employee’s life, or how your product is made, helps develop a deeper connection with your brand.

Creativity can be your best ally in expanding your business’s follower base. While the journey may seem challenging, it offers many opportunities to increase reach, build brand identity, and create meaningful connections with your audience.

Are you looking to attract more followers to your social media profiles? Contact us.

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